
Vastu Tips for Home: Harmonizing Energy in Every Corner

In the quest for a harmonious and prosperous living space, Vastu Shastra plays a pivotal role. This ancient Indian architectural science guides the...

In the quest for a harmonious and prosperous living space, Vastu Shastra plays a pivotal role. This ancient Indian architectural science guides the flow of positive energy through our homes, ensuring that each corner is balanced and beneficial for the occupants. By aligning our living spaces with the principles of Vastu, we invite peace, prosperity, and happiness into our lives. Let’s explore Vastu tips for various parts of the home to create a sanctuary of positivity.

Vastu Tips for Home: The Living Room

The living room is the heart of the home, where family members gather, and guests are welcomed. It should exude warmth and positivity.

  • Direction: The ideal location for the living room is in the northeast or north part of the house. These directions are associated with positive energy flow.
  • Seating Arrangement: Arrange the seating such that the head of the family faces east or north while sitting. Avoid placing the furniture directly under exposed beams.
  • Color Scheme: Light colors like white, cream, or pastel shades are recommended for the living room. These colors enhance brightness and create a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Decor: Incorporate elements like mirrors and indoor plants, which attract positive energy. Avoid cluttering the space with heavy furniture or too many artifacts.

    Vastu Tips for Home: The Entrance

    The entrance of your home is the gateway for energy. According to Vastu, it should be welcoming and well-lit to attract prosperity.

    • Main Door Direction: The entrance should ideally be in the north, east, or northeast direction. These directions are considered auspicious and attract positive energy.
    • Door Design: The main door should be the largest in the house and should open inwards. It symbolizes welcoming positive energy into the home.
    • Decorative Elements: Adorn the entrance with symbols like Om, Swastika, or a rangoli. Placing a nameplate outside the entrance also attracts good fortune.
    • Lighting: Ensure that the entrance is well-lit, especially in the evenings. A dimly lit entrance can lead to a stagnant energy flow.

      Vastu Tips for Home: The Kitchen

      The kitchen is where the food that nourishes the family is prepared. According to Vastu, it represents the element of fire, and its placement and design are crucial.

      • Location: The southeast direction is ideal for the kitchen as it aligns with the fire element. If this isn’t possible, the northwest direction is the second-best option.
      • Stove Placement: The stove should be placed in such a way that the cook faces east while preparing food. This orientation is believed to enhance positive energy in the food.
      • Sink and Stove Separation: Keep the sink and stove apart, as they represent opposing elements (water and fire). This separation prevents conflict between these energies.
      • Colors: Warm colors like red, orange, or yellow are ideal for the kitchen as they resonate with the fire element. Avoid using black or dark shades.

      Vastu Tips for Home: The Pooja Room

      The pooja room is a sacred space where we connect with the divine. It should be designed to enhance spiritual vibrations and promote tranquility.

      • Direction: The northeast corner of the house is the most auspicious for a pooja room, as it is associated with spiritual energy.
      • Placement of Idols: Idols or images of deities should be placed a few inches above the ground, preferably facing east or west. Ensure that they are not facing each other.
      • Decor and Lighting: Keep the decor simple and serene. Use soft lighting, such as oil lamps or candles, to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
      • Cleanliness: The pooja room should be kept clean and clutter-free. Avoid storing unnecessary items in this sacred space.

        Vastu Tips for Home: Dining Room

        The dining room is where the family gathers to share meals, making it an essential space for bonding and communication. According to Vastu, the dining room should promote positivity and good health.

        • Location: The dining room should ideally be located in the west, east, or north part of the house. These directions are associated with good health and prosperity.
        • Dining Table Placement: The dining table should be square or rectangular in shape, and all family members should face east while eating. Avoid having the dining table directly facing the main entrance.
        • Colors: Use soothing colors like pastel shades of yellow, orange, or green in the dining room. These colors enhance appetite and create a cheerful atmosphere.
        • Decor: A mirror reflecting the dining table is considered auspicious as it symbolizes doubling the abundance. Avoid placing any heavy or sharp objects near the dining area.

          Vastu Tips for Home: The Bedroom

          The bedroom is a place of rest and rejuvenation. Vastu tips for the bedroom ensure a peaceful environment conducive to good sleep and a harmonious relationship.

          • Location: The master bedroom should ideally be located in the southwest part of the house. This direction is associated with stability and strength.
          • Bed Placement: The bed should be placed in the southwest corner, with the head facing south or west. This promotes restful sleep and positive energy flow.
          • Colors: Soft, muted colors like lavender, light blue, or earthy tones are recommended for the bedroom. These colors create a calming environment.
          • Decor: Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they are believed to disrupt sleep. If necessary, ensure that the mirror does not reflect the bed. Avoid keeping electronic gadgets in the bedroom as they can interfere with the natural energy flow.

            Vastu Tips for Home: The Bathroom

            Even though it’s often overlooked, the bathroom plays a vital role in maintaining the Vastu balance in a home. Proper placement and design of the bathroom can prevent negative energy from affecting the household.

            • Location: The bathroom should be located in the northwest or southeast part of the house. These directions ensure the proper drainage of negative energy.
            • Toilet Placement: The toilet seat should be placed such that the user faces either north or south while using it. This placement minimizes the impact of negative energy.
            • Ventilation: Ensure the bathroom is well-ventilated and receives ample natural light. A well-ventilated bathroom prevents the buildup of negative energy.
            • Colors: Use light colors like white, light blue, or shades of green in the bathroom. These colors reflect cleanliness and freshness.


              Incorporating Vastu tips into your home’s design is not just about following ancient traditions; it’s about creating a space that fosters peace, positivity, and well-being. From the entrance to the bathroom, every part of the home has a specific role in shaping the energy flow within. By adhering to these Vastu principles, you can ensure that your home is not just a physical space but a sanctuary of harmony and happiness. Whether you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, these tips will help you create an environment that supports a balanced and prosperous life.


              Q. How to Arrange Things in a House According to Vastu?

              Ans: Arranging things in your home according to Vastu Shastra involves following guidelines that align the placement of objects with natural energy flow to ensure harmony and positivity. Here are key tips:

              • Entrance: The entrance should be free of obstructions and well-lit. Keep the area around the main door clean and place a doormat, as it helps prevent negative energy from entering the house.
              • Living Room: Position heavy furniture like sofas and cupboards in the southwest or west part of the room. Keep the northeast area light and clutter-free to allow free flow of energy. Electronic gadgets should ideally be placed in the southeast corner of the room.
              • Kitchen: Place the stove in the southeast corner of the kitchen, and ensure the person cooking faces east. Store grains and spices in the southern or western cabinets. The kitchen should not be adjacent to the toilet or directly under a bathroom.
              • Bedroom: The bed should be in the southwest corner, with the head facing south. Avoid placing mirrors opposite the bed, as they are believed to disrupt sleep. Keep the space under the bed clean and free of clutter.
              • Pooja Room: Ideally, the pooja room should be in the northeast part of the house. Keep it clutter-free, and avoid storing unnecessary items here. The idols should face east or west, and the room should be well-lit with natural light.
              • Bathroom: Place the bathroom in the northwest or southeast part of the house. Ensure that the bathroom is well-ventilated and that mirrors are placed on the northern or eastern walls.
              • Dining Room: The dining table should be square or rectangular and placed in the east, west, or north part of the house. All members should face east or north while dining.

              Q. How to Get Positive Energy in Home?

              Ans: Attracting positive energy into your home is about balancing the elements and creating an environment that supports well-being. Here’s how:

              • Declutter: A cluttered space can lead to stagnant energy. Regularly declutter your home, especially in the northeast corner, to allow free flow of energy.
              • Lighting: Ensure that your home is well-lit, particularly in the mornings. Natural light is essential for attracting positive energy. Place lamps or candles in the dark corners of the home to illuminate them.
              • Colors: Use light, soothing colors like white, cream, or pastel shades on walls and furniture. These colors promote a calm and serene atmosphere, conducive to positive energy.
              • Indoor Plants: Plants like bamboo, money plants, and peace lilies are known for attracting positive energy. Place them in the living room or near windows to purify the air and enhance the energy flow.
              • Water Features: A small water fountain or aquarium placed in the northeast corner of the living room can attract positive energy. Flowing water represents the flow of wealth and prosperity.
              • Aromatherapy: Use natural fragrances like sandalwood, lavender, or jasmine in the form of incense, candles, or essential oils to enhance the energy in your home.
              • Symbols and Decor: Place symbols of positivity, such as the Om symbol, Swastika, or images of deities, at the entrance and in the living room. Avoid displaying negative or violent imagery.

              Q. How to Remove Vastu Dosh from Home?

              Ans: Vastu dosh refers to defects or imbalances in the home’s layout or structure that disrupt the flow of positive energy. To correct these, follow these remedies:

              • Pooja and Havan: Conduct regular poojas and havans (fire rituals) in the home, particularly in the northeast corner, to purify the space and eliminate negative energy.
              • Vastu Pyramid: Place Vastu pyramids in the areas where dosh is detected. These pyramids are believed to balance energy and neutralize negative effects.
              • Sea Salt: Place a bowl of sea salt in the corners of rooms to absorb negative energy. Replace the salt every few weeks.
              • Mirrors: Strategically place mirrors in areas with Vastu dosh to deflect negative energy. Avoid placing mirrors in front of beds or opposite the main door.
              • Copper or Brass Elements: Incorporate copper or brass items in your home decor, such as vessels, artifacts, or wind chimes, as these metals are believed to have positive energy-boosting properties.
              • Chanting and Mantras: Regularly chant Vastu mantras or play recordings of these mantras in your home to remove Vastu dosh.

              Q. What is the Ideal Layout as per Vastu?

              Ans: The ideal layout of a home according to Vastu Shastra is one that balances the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) and aligns with the cardinal directions. Here’s a general guide:

              • Entrance: The main entrance should ideally be in the north, east, or northeast direction. These directions are associated with positive energy and prosperity.
              • Living Room: The living room should be in the northeast, east, or north direction. This positioning allows the room to receive maximum natural light and positive energy.
              • Kitchen: The kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house, as this direction is governed by Agni (the fire element). If this isn’t possible, the northwest is the second-best option.
              • Bedrooms: The master bedroom should be in the southwest part of the house for stability and strength. Children’s bedrooms can be in the west or north direction.
              • Pooja Room: The pooja room should be located in the northeast direction, which is considered highly auspicious and is associated with spirituality and peace.
              • Bathroom: Bathrooms should be placed in the northwest or southeast corners of the house. Avoid having bathrooms in the northeast corner, as this can lead to health and financial issues.
              • Staircases: Staircases should ideally be placed in the southwest, south, or west parts of the house. Avoid placing staircases in the northeast direction, as it can block positive energy.

              Q. Where Should Furniture Be Placed as per Vastu?

              Ans: Furniture placement according to Vastu Shastra is crucial for maintaining the balance of energy in a home. Here are some guidelines:

              • Living Room: Heavy furniture like sofas and cabinets should be placed in the southwest, west, or south part of the living room. Lighter furniture can be placed in the northeast or east areas. Ensure that the seating arrangement allows the head of the family to sit facing east or north.
              • Bedroom: The bed should be placed in the southwest corner of the bedroom, with the head facing south or west. Avoid placing the bed directly in line with the door or under a beam. Place wardrobes in the south or west walls.
              • Dining Room: The dining table should be placed in the east, west, or north part of the dining room. Chairs should be arranged so that diners face east or north.
              • Study Room: In the study room, place the desk in the northeast or east part of the room. The person using the desk should face east or north while studying or working.
              • Kitchen: The stove should be placed in the southeast corner of the kitchen, and the person cooking should face east. The refrigerator should be placed in the southwest, west, or north part of the kitchen.

              Q. What Are the Rules for Vastu for a House?

              Ans: Vastu Shastra lays down several rules to ensure that a house is constructed and arranged in a manner that promotes harmony and well-being. Some key rules include:

              • Directional Alignment: The main entrance should be in the north, east, or northeast direction. The kitchen should be in the southeast, the master bedroom in the southwest, and the pooja room in the northeast.
              • Element Balance: Balance the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—by placing objects and arranging rooms according to their associated directions.
              • Proportions and Symmetry: Ensure that the house is symmetrical, with equal-sized rooms and balanced proportions. Avoid irregular shapes or plots, as they can lead to energy imbalances.
              • Center of the House (Brahmasthan): The central part of the house, known as Brahmasthan, should be kept open and clutter-free. This area is the nucleus of the house and should not have any heavy furniture or walls.
              • No Obstructions: Ensure that there are no obstructions, such as poles or trees, directly in front of the main entrance. The entrance should be free and clear to allow for the free flow of energy.
              • Bedroom Rules: Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they can disrupt sleep. Also, avoid having electronic gadgets in the bedroom, as they emit electromagnetic radiation, which can disturb the natural energy flow.

              Q. Where to Keep Keys at Home as per Vastu?

              Ans: The placement of keys in your home is important as it symbolizes security and access to resources. According to Vastu:

              • Key Holder Placement: Keep the key holder on the east or north wall near the entrance. This is considered auspicious and ensures that positive energy is not obstructed.
              • Design: Use a wooden or metal key holder. Avoid using broken or damaged key holders, as they can bring negative energy into the home.
              • Avoiding Clutter: Do not leave keys scattered around the house, especially on the dining table or kitchen counter. This can lead to confusion and attract negative energy.
              • Separate Key Space: Have a dedicated space for keys, such as a drawer or a key box, which should be kept clean and organized.

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